Visually Speaking Youth Mentorship Program
It’s starting to get to be that time again: setting up summer goals! You want to go to the gym every day, and finally get to your long reading list. Why not add “learn a new language” to that?
We have just set up a new mentorship program and we have our first new mentor working with us this summer! Imagine the learning experience from a hard or hearing and Deaf youth in the Puget sound area. Youth and peers can meet once a week to teach and learn about Deaf culture and make new friends. These lessons may include basic signing skills (both connected to ASL and SEE), like fingerspelling and basic family and home signs.
If you want to work with a peer and learn from a signer, contact us to schedule a time! Are you Deaf or a hard of hearing signer interested in being a mentor in our program? Email us at to see how we can help you earn a little summer cash while teaching American Sign Language!