Hearing aids can be life-changing for some, offering a bridge to the world of sound. But for many Deaf individuals, the decision not to wear them is personal and deeply rooted in identity and experiences. Embracing Deaf Identity Being Deaf is more than just an inability to hear; it’s a […]
Navigating the worlds; Hard of Hearing and Deaf
The decision to identify as Hard of Hearing (HoH) or Deaf is deeply personal and depends on individual experiences, preferences, and cultural affiliations. It’s important to note that neither identity is inherently better than the other, and people may shift between these identifications at different points in their lives. Here […]
Why we need Deaf instructors
Imagine growing up using hearing aids in a hearing world that doesn’t quite understand your experience. One day, you decide to learn ASL. That takes a lot of courage and it’s the beginning of a self-exploration journey! Next thing you know, you walk into a physical or virtual classroom and […]