Step By Step
When you click the link for invoice, you will see the invoice instructor form. This if your invoice for working with Visually Speaking. Invoices are paid monthly for the previous month, please submit by the 5th of each month for payment on the 10th.
- This is automatically filled out for you
- Type your last name in the first box, then your first name in the second box.
- Put your email that Visually Speaking send to you
You will see the form for each client. Make sure that you fill out the correct information for each client.
- Type your client’s email. If you do not have a client, skip this step. Please type the name of the class or the admin work you did in the Comment Section.
- List of all dates you work with the client or teach class
- Select the kind of work.
- Type your hourly wage, this can be found on the agreement signed with Visually Speaking. If you don’t know your hourly wage, please ask.
- Type the amount of time you work
How to count the total of number of hours:
Example A: If you teach One-to-one session with this same client for 4 time (one hour each), then put 4 hour.
4 session X 1 hour = 4 hours (total number of hours)
Example B: If you teach for 30 mins for 5 sessions, calculate the total number of hours. Note: only count by hour, not min. So 30 mins become .5 hour
5 session X .5 = 2.5 hours (total number of hours)
Example C: If you teach client with different amount of time, make sure you add each session with different amount of time. 2 hour for 2 sessions, 30 mins for 4 sessions, and 45 min for 1 session
2 session X 2 hour = 4 hours Now you add all hours:
4 session X .5 hour = 2 hours 4 hours + 2 hour + .75 hour = 6.75 hours
1 session x .75 hour = .75
if you have more than one client, do same 1 to 5 steps for “Client 2.” NOTE: There is limit 2 clients each form. If you have more than 3rd client, you have to click new form for client 3 or more.
If you teach class or workshop, please explain in this section. Remind: you can also put client information in this section.
Once the form is complete, Click the submit. You will receive an email with your confirmation.
If you have any question or concern, please do not be shy to ask Visually Speaking for help!