Family and the Holidays: Some of the Challenges
Gearing up for the holidays can include a long “to-do” list from buying a thanksgiving turkey to setting up holiday decorations. It might seem strange to add “clear communication” to your list: but if you have Deaf friends or family visiting over this break, you might want to consider it!
With so much catching-up at big gatherings, keeping everyone up with the conversation can become difficult. Learning even basic signs or fingerspelling, you will make communicating easier! Use whatever sign you do know, and if you are talking with a Deaf family member, remember to be patient and speak naturally. If you look away while talking to a Deaf person they may lose quite a bit of the dialogue: even the best lipreaders can miss up to 70% of dialogue. If asked to repeat what you said, do so!
We are offering a holiday special for you and your family! This private lesson is a one time one hour, “Brush Up” meeting for just $40!
Maybe you are meeting this family member for the first time and don’t know much about Deaf culture or American Sign Language. Consider getting your friends and family together to take a course in the basics of ASL! We offer private lessons or a group lesson to learn ASL. Contact us at info@visuallyspeaking.info to find a time that works for you. Don’t let the holiday rush push you into forgetting the importance of communication between friends and family! This $40/one hour offer is good through December 31st.
January 13 – beginning sign language community class, check the calendar!