To execute the sign for SISTER, start with brushing the thumb of your dominant hand down your cheek, then ending with your thumb and index fingers out and resting on top of each other as shown in the illustration.
Sign Language Tip – Speaking & Signing
Make the sign as you say the word. When working with pre-verbal hearing babies, it is important for you to use your voice as you are making the sign. In doing this you are modeling two ways to get the same result, while also giving your hearing child the auditory […]
Sign of the Week – MOTHER
To execute the sign for MOTHER, start with your dominant hand in front of your face. Place the tip of your thumb on your chin as shown in the illustration.
Sign of the Week – SAD
To execute the sign for SAD, place both hands in 5 handshape at your eyes and bring them straight down under your chin. Think about the way that your face goes down in a frown when you are sad.
Sign Language Tip – Celebrate
Your child might not execute a sign perfectly at first, but the more you celebrate their attempt to form a sign, the happier your child will be trying to communicate with you. In time, your child will improve on forming the sign.